After a very long and tiredsome twelve months filled with lockdowns and restrictions, there is finally some light at the end of a dark tunnel.
The UK is leading the world when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine rollouts and each home nation has outlined its roadmap out of its respective lockdown, allowing Brits to once again meet up with family and friends and enjoy some sort of normality.
Despite not being back to what we would all consider 'normal', each of the four home nations is now allowing people from different households to meet up outside, including in gardens, which is fantastic news. However, this doesn't mean that all of the hard work that we've all put in over the last year can be forgotten about. We still need to act cautiously and take precautions whenever we can to contain the virus and stop the spread of COVID-19, including when meeting other people in the garden.
So, what can you do when your family and friends come over to visit? Here we look at some of the most important precautions that you should be taking to limit the spread of coronavirus when meeting other people in your garden.
Staying safe when meeting others in your garden
Here is a list of the most important things that you need to remember when meeting up with other people in your garden:
- Limit the number of people you see - Despite being able to see a certain amount of people in your garden, by reducing the number of people that come to your property to the absolute minimum, you will be limiting the possibilities of you or your guest contracting the virus.
- Maintaining distance - When you do have people over, whether it be the full amount that is allowed or just one person, ensure that you are maintaining a two-metre distance at all times. This will provide a safe distance between you and your guests if anyone is unknowingly carrying the virus.
- Wear a mask or shield - Despite COVID-19 being less likely to be transmitted in an outdoor setting, it is advised that you still wear an appropriate face mask or shield if you are concerned about potentially contracting or spreading the virus or if you are meeting people who may be vulnerable and have not yet received a vaccine.
- Cover coughs and sneezes - If you need to cough or sneeze, ensure that you are properly covering your mouth to avoid spreading any germs to others. If you are wearing a face mask or shield, you can cough or sneeze into your mask but be sure to put a new, clean mask on as soon as possible and wash your hands immediately. If you aren't wearing any face coverings, cough or sneeze into a tissue or the inside of your elbow and do not spit. Dispose of the tissue and again, immediately wash your hands.
- Clean and disinfect - Before inviting anyone over to your garden, be sure to clean and disinfect frequently touched areas such as door handles, tables and chairs. Clean and disinfect these areas again once your guests have left.
- Keep your hands clean - Before meeting others in your garden, ensure that you have washed your hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds -and politely ask your guests to do the same. Once your guests have arrived, use a hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol whenever possible and avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
These are the very basic but most important precautions that you should be taking when meeting other people in your garden. By following this advice, not only will you reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, but you will also reduce the chances of your spreading it.
So, now that you are aware of what you need to do before and during meeting others, it's time to get your garden ready! Read our blog below on how you can get your garden prepared for the Spring.
Get Your Garden Ready For Spring >